So say the seers, for Takshendal is the ancient seat of power, the house of wisdom, the very font of learning. Her towers rise higher and her lords stand taller for in the walled city resides all the wealth and knowledge of men.
So it is on a bright summers day in 1597 when without warning, the treacherous pirates and coastal marauders of the Salten Reach under the banner of the terrible ‘Captain Murder’ descend upon the unsuspecting city in a great fleet of motley craft and lay siege to the dockyards, burning and pillaging all they can before returning to their ships to muster for one final assault...
Captain Murder in his flagship Esmeralda has decided to cut out the newly launched galley Vengeance. Signalling to his ally Captain Melodius, he sets a course for the waiting warship noting as he does that it is sparsely guarded by marines in bright scarlet.
Meanwhile on the shore, the locals have rallied to the call of an armoured warrior on a great steed.
Alesandrox Wormpole. Knight/Soldier.
6 mounted retainers. Lt Horseman/Bowmen.
7 Citizen fighters. Bowmen.
4 Citizen fighters. Warriors
+ Misteline Warrior.
Player Two (Rasmus)
Captain Kettlefox Soldier.
10 marines. Soldiers.
4 city militia arbalestiers. Bowmen
+9 city militia soldiers. Soldiers.
Player three (Tracey)
Captain Murder. Warrior.
18 pirate skirmishers. Skirmishers.
10 Archers. Bowmen.
Captain Hendrix. Warrior.
Captain Jaki the wolf. Warrior
Player four (Peter)
Captain Melodius. Warrior.
10 pirate skirmishers. Skirmishers.
4 pirate crossbowmen. Bowmen.
This is the flagship of Captain Murder. It is a large sea going ship with two masts that requires a minimum of ten able bodied men to move it on the water. The ship gives an automatic +2 protection on its castles and the waist sides give +1. There are no weapons in this game capable of damaging the ship so it cannot be sunk.
Belly dancer.
This is Captain Melodius’s ship. It is a deep sea trader that has been captured and converted for use in this attack. It sits low in the water and its sides give +1 in protection. There are no weapons in this game capable of damaging the ship so it cannot be sunk.
This is Captain Hendrix’s vessel. It is a standard fishing boat that has been converted to attack the city. It requires one man to operate if in movement. Due to improvised armour, the sides of the boat give +1 in protection. There are no weapons in this game capable of damaging the ship so it cannot be sunk. This vessel can be delegated to either player 3 or 4, but Captain Hendrix must remain as skipper.
This is Captain Jaki’s vessel. It is a standard fishing boat that has been converted to attack the city. It requires one man to operate if in movement. Due to improvised armour, the sides of the boat give +1 in protection. There are no weapons in this game capable of damaging the ship so it cannot be sunk. This vessel can be delegated to either player 3 or 4, but Captain Jaki must remain as skipper.
Rowing boat
Moored to the floating jetty, this vessel gives no defence bonus’s to any one onboard. It requires at least one person to row if in movement.
A newly launched medium galley of the city militia. The Vengeance is currently being fitted out and is not in any condition to move. It can however be towed away by the Esmeralda. The sides of the galley give +1 in protection and the forecastle gives +2. There are six mooring lines holding the galley to the dock, three to the fore and three aft. Each one must be cut if the galley is to be moved (roll 3 or greater on a d6 for each rope). Note! If the aft ropes are cut first, the galley will be moved by the stream into the bank.
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