Monday, March 05, 2007

Rambling on...

Four days alone now and I really miss my girls. Been sitting here today all by myself, feeling the weight of the emptiness in the flat and hiding in cyber space. Strangely I have hardly played EVE at all the whole time (as my sudden surge in postings betrays) and I think I may finally be bored with it. I've thought that before only to return with a vengeance but this time it feels different. Apart from anything else, there is the pain in my right hand finger joints that tells me I've been over doing the mouse again. Odd that wearing out one mouse didn't tell me to slow down...

So, I'm slowly getting back to posting on my blogs as I used to, which means I've also been surfing and reading more again. Not much has changed in the last five or so months but I've seen one or two things that cracked me up. The most hilarious to my sarcastic mind was the raving enthusiasm with which the artitsic elite in the UK greeted the recent performance of 17-year-old Daniel Radcliffe (he of Harry Potter fame) who demonstrated his acting prowess by playing a boy who develops a sexual relationship with several horses, and who during the play gets naked and 'has sex' with his co star (a female human being) leading to sold out performances as fans rush to see the spectacle (or lack there of). You couldn't make this stuff up if you tried. I don't know which is funnier. The rush to see Daniel Radcliffe simulating sex, or the fact that to be taken seriously by the art tossers needs only a few horses and a 17 year old boy...

Apart from that I've been watching various gems on You Tube. There's a lot of silver hidden in the dross over there so I've made an account there.


Anonymous said...

Hi moif, cheer up!

Nice movie clip (umm, the WotW one; I'm not really interested in Harry Potter and his Magical Unicorn).

I hadn't realized it before, but looking at the Tripod's "head" in profile reminds me quite a bit of the Alien Queen.

- Fartacus

moif said...

My God! It speaks!!


Hey Maximilian Von Stenk! Hope your doing well!

mlj said...

Sounds like you've had enough time to chill out and relax while mette and freja have been here :.)

Anonymous said...

Hola, moo moifus!

It is good to "see" you again. I'm doing fine, thank you. Not much has changed, still furiously belching and farting my way through life's travails :)

I've had your blog bookmarked and your RSS feed subscribed into my reader for a bit, but have not, 'til now, posted. I particularly liked your family posts, nice to see the moifling doing so well.

Oh, while I'm at it, since you like interesting photos, I've found a blog you might enjoy.

- Fartacus

moif said...

My dear friend, you ALWAYS have the best links! I don't know how you do it.

moif said...


Shouldn't you be in bed this time of night????

Anonymous said...

That's because I'm a lonely geek who spends way too much time surfing when I should be doing more productive things like watching bad SF shows :)


moif said...

Hey, I spend all day online as well, but I never come across some of the quality dren you do!

That blog is full of good stuff. I just followed a link to a site which analyses the original Star Wars in the light of the prequels. Hilarious.

I also note that though his blog is hosted on the same service as mine, he's figured out how to make secondary pages. Thats something I've been trying to do for ages now but failing. I made whole new blogs instead.

Have you seen my abstract rust images BTW? I posted them today, mostly for Cyan.

Anonymous said...

Yep that link is a great interesting time waster :)

I haven't seen your abstract images yet. I'll check 'em out. Though it's late for me and right now it's bedtime.


marinergrim said...

From the reviews I've read, once you get past Radcliffe going nude he actually makes a good job of the play. the reviews have been generous with praise for him and his ability (which is greater than the expectation apparently). The whole play is well done and well performed with Richard griffiths being excellent as the shrink.

mlj said...

yeah, but these days with the invasion (which has just ended!) I need to do school work at night... hence the nightly greeting, while I ought to have been working, hehe

moif said...

Yay, they're coming home!


moif said...


Oh I'm sure he gave a sterling performance, and I have n problem with the young fellow at all. I just find it funny that his performance generated so much adulation from the 'art crowd'. The fans I can forgive, after all, I'd not be disinterested in seeing Vibeke Hartkorn (Danish TV news reader) simulating sex, or even just talking dirty... but the art crowd's 'respect' seems to me some what selective with regards to such things.

My first thought was 'but of course', after all, would an equally stunning performance in a piece by Dickens have generated the same enthusiasm? I doubt it. Hardcliffe got his kit off. Thats what really counts.

moif said...

And by Hardcliffe, I mean of course Radcliffe... associations are getting the better of me....

Anonymous said...

Hey moif! This is the Coconut Ent. I just discovered your blog.

Radcliffe's getting naked with horses... hmmm...

The kid playing Draco Malfoy is a fishing enthusiast, but is otherwise not doing anything scandalous.

moif said...

Hi Coco!

Long time no see. I hope your doing well.
