Monday, September 25, 2006

Indian Summer

Apart from the stifling heat of the indian summer, things are going well here in Århus... well enough.
Freja was set to start in day care in September, but we're still waiting to hear from them... the delay could be caused by the almost national strikes and blokades that have gripped the city in the wake of recent government cut backs though. Mette has been clearing out her workshop in anticipation of getting a job now she is no longer on maternity leave and classed as unemployed and I am as I always am. Pains every where and hot and sweaty!
The thermometer outside my window shows 31 degrees Celsius!
And, having been reduced to talking about the weather, thats about all I have to report for today. Mette and Pip have gone out into the city to shop and I have some time to myself which I shall now employ in repairing the damage Freja (zerstoeren) did to my Rolls Royce armoured car model this morning (she squeezed the machine gun off it) and building various terrain features for RM3.

I keep meaning to do something a little more serious, but my heart is not in to seriousness these days. I think I am suffering from the jaded disinterest in serious affairs that I understand often follows with age.


Anonymous said...

I've been suffering from that same disinterest. All I've wanted to do lately is read books, wander around in park, and watch movies.

There are more serious things to be done, but I just can't seem to bring myself to them. Part of that is seasonal, I think. Autumn is a very child like time of year for me.

BTW...I had a dream about you last night. You and Mette came to Colorado, and Christoph and I were showing you around the city and the mountains. Everything was normal and fun, but then at some point, you turned into a little calico cat. It was rather odd, especially since I don't associate you with cats at all. You seem like much more of a dog person.

Anonymous said...
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moif said...

Ahh, yes, but, you do associate me with a small blue alien...