Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Artist of the Month; Steen Andersen

Back in the 1990's I came across a local artists group called Croquis Grotesque. I didn't know much about them, only that they produced exciting works of art, mostly photographic but also 'living sculptures' and happenings, based around the human figure, and usually with a grotesque, and/or sexual dimension. During one festival week I remember they staged an exhibition in an old shop, and in the big front window they had a nude pregnant woman posing as if for a croquis class. As you might imagine, this drew quite a lot of interest. I was certainly inspired!

Croquis is a french word which translates as 'sketch' but refers in this context to life drawing which is a fundamental principle of figurative art. Steen Andersen has been the chairman of the group since 1992.

I have always enjoyed grotesque art, and I love figurative art in particular, not least when these things are combined in the photographic medium. Steen Andersen is one of the few photographers I know who successfully combine all three to my satisfaction. Its actually difficult to find pictures by Andersen on the Internet as he tends to work reclusively. Its also difficult to post these images on blogger as most of the best ones contravene blogspots rules and regs.

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