It felt good to get back into the Rocketman vibe, and what better way to start than with ships? Earlier campaigns have featured gun fights on merchant ship deck plans, but RM5 takes this a step further with combined models and deck plans to further enhance the visual ambience of the game.
'Bremen on the Amazon', was rather imbalanced, and though the imbalance was a deliberate factor in the game, with two players facing three, a real problem lay in the rules for hand grenades which I had misunderstood, and which were more powerful than I'd realised. This didn't hasten the pace of the game however. I'd expected the game to take about two hours and instead it took three hours and forty minutes. As it was Goeg's first time, there was some hesitation and explanation along the way, but nothing that dragged the flow of the game down.
We began with Rocketman & his companions (Rasmus) , Captain Ortiz (Oleg) and Captain Armando (Goeg) approaching the submarine in Government patrol boat Nr 17, but their pretence at being innocent traders was blown when the U boat captain made a successful perception roll and the Germans (Palle and myself) opened fire from the conning tower. The Brazilians returned fire, with Oleg using the first of his grenades to successfully supress the Germans. This opening salvo set the tone for the rest of the game, as I'd not given the Germans any grenades (they being relaxed, caught by surprise and not having any weapons to hand but their immediate hand guns).
With the Germans in the conning tower taking grenades, the Brazilian boat could come along side almost unopposed. Once this happened, the Germans attempted to withdraw into and secure the submarine.
The Bremen had five hatches which had to be secured, but the Germans failed to secure one of the rear hatches, with Captain Ortiz firing down into the hatchway to suppress the crew member who attempted to reach up and shut the hatch door. More Brazilians leapt onto the U boat and the remaining Germans took up positions inside the sub. At this point I was reminded of the opening scene of Star Wars where the Rebels wait for the Imperial Storm Troopers to breach their hull. It didn't take long for a grenade to drop down into the submarine, killing the two Germans who were directly below, and quickly followed by the macho Captain Ortiz.
On the surface, a rowing boat of six German reinforcements was approaching the submarine, and as these came onto the table, Rocketman's engineer side kick, George Macarthur, set a demolition charge to crack opn one of the forward hatches. The fire fight inside the submarine continued with more Brazilians following Capt Ortiz into the submarine.

Rocketman took to the air (see image above) and George Macarthur blew open the hatch. The Germans in their rowing boat began to take fire and return it, failing to down Rocketman who was hovering in the air above the submarine. There was some contention regarding Rocketman's ability to fire a submachine gun, whilst firing, the question being whether or not the recoil from his weapon would spin him around. It probably would, but such niggling details ring hollow once you've already accepted the premise of a man wearing a rocketpack...
Rocketman survived intact and dropped back down in to the comming tower and the fight continued with the Germans gradually being cut to pieces. In the end it was something of a blood bath, 14-3 to the heroes.
Given this game was originally designed for three players, and had been 'adapted' in order to allow for continuity, and a new player, then it was okay. The Germans couldn't really have won, but this was as much due to accident as design. On the whole I enjoyed it imbalanced though it was.
Do you want comments here, or on the RM blog?
Anyway, I enjoyed it a lot, although we should share the camera in future.
How *did* you think grenades should work?
The normal rules are:
Attacker rolls personal Combat Factor (CF) + weapon CF (+3 for a grenade) + the usual 1D6. Once. Other modifiers apply.
All targets within the blast radius roll v physical / shot at CF + any armour CF + 1D6 and any modifiers against this total.
Blast radius is upto 1 (inch), or just apply it to anyone within the group.
For each additional radius (1 inch), knock 3 of the total. Etc.
Inside the sub was a special case, as the blast is confined within some (fairly large) rooms.
So, full effects were applied to anyone inside a room.
I cannot really see this as unexpected or unfair. It's one of the things grenades are for.
Btw, the word verification is 'jigheart'. Someone is trying to tell me something. Dunno what.
Or maybe 2 AIs are playing scrabble over the net.
In the last game we we forgetting to add the individuals CF I think. It was half a year ago though, so I don't recall why all to well now.
A moment of insanity?
More like a life time of numerical confusion
moif - I don't really get the whole gaming thing, but that last pic of really are losing weight! You look great. Nothing disgraceful there at all. Good job. I need to start biking again.
I always enjoy reading this. The concept of a long and intricate series of games appeals tremendously.
Nice fuctional models too.
Oh I've certainly lost weight. I'm not sure how much yet, but some where between 8 - 10 kilo's I think. I can certainly see it in the mirror now, though I'm still fat in the middle.
I started going to the gym now, twice a week. Yesterday was my second trip, and the first by myself (no instructor). I did my set of exersizes like an obedient droog, and it was a piece of cake, though I sweated very heavily and the shoes I've bought for the job are very inadequate so my feet hurt after 10 mins on the running device. I'll buy some better shoes next time I have some surplus cash.
Todays cycle trip from Silkeborg didn't take place as my Dad couldn't drive me there and I had no one else who I could call on at such short notice. Oleg says if my dad drops out next week, he'll take me instead.
I've decided functionality and throw away materials is far better for this kind of game as I can dump the models after we're finished with them, rather than they clutter up my room, providing homes for the dust Rhino's.
I'm still building generic models too, but I'm moderating myself now.
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