65 years ago now, and memories have dimmed. I lit my candles and placed them in the window as is traditional, but only two other flats I could see also had candles burning. It doesn't matter so long as we appreciate the freedoms we enjoy, take responsibilities for the decisions we make and remember the sacrifices other people made so we could. I'm pleased to say that I am proud to be Danish. What a wonderful country this is.
If we don't learn from history we are doomed to make the same mistakes.
Let's hope that we never make the mistake of allowing such a regime to take a hold again.
What I fear however is that the root causes of extremism are steadily growing in Europe, and these causes are often ignored, or not properly understood. We could see a return to facism, or something equally as destructive, despite our best intentions, simply because our politicians don't stop to consider the full implications of their actions. The road to hell being paved with good intentions and all that.
I'm thinking specifically of the EU.
(moif at work)
Go Denmark!
65 years ago?? Are you keeping some dark secret from us?
The liberation was 65 years ago.
*slaps Peter around a bit with a wet oak tree*.
Too many have forgotten not just the candles but the sacrifices as well. Only the Home Guard now puts flowers at the various monuments and memorials, and that most likely because we grew out og the Resistance.
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