Saturday, March 14, 2009

You know your Danish...

...when you know the meaning of life has something to do with the word "hyggelig".


brando said...

I just read a couple of articles about that word. And when I say "just", I mean after I read your post.

I love swinging by this place to learn stuff.

moif said...

I'm pleased you enjoy it. I shall have to post more. I would except with a new child, and a job, I have less time to spend on my various hobbies. That hasn't stopped my ambitions though and I now have 11 blogs, plus one I help my Dad with (that is to say I upload his pictures and maintain the blog and he does nothing except show off to his friends, who probably know even less about computers than he does).

I'm wondering how you as an American might pronounce the word hyggeligt.

In Danish it sounds like

huu - guh - lit

g's are usually soft in Danish words, as are d's. It makes Danish into a very smooth langauge where all the syllables are harder to hear.

Anonymous said...

Job?? did you get it???


moif said...

I used the world loosely. I won't know until May.

nurulazreenazlan said...

does it have anything to do with 42? ;)

moif said...

Only in a very hyggeligt sort of way
