Wednesday, March 26, 2008


So, we finally got to playing the first Takshendal game last wednesday (and the next session is due next thursday). In the mean time I've been preparing the game and writing up the next Rocketman adventures. Below are a few images of the game taken by Oleg and there is a write up, along with more images on the Takshendal blog.

As you can see, not all the models are finished. Specifically, the interior floors are all bare wood as yet. At some point, I intend to sculpt floors as I have done with previous models, but in the mean time, I ran out of time. Six months just wasn't enough to finish all these models. What I have finished works well enough though and the first game went well. I'm trying to create a certain 'cinematic feel' to the game, and hopefully this will create a unique campaign.



bucket said...

that is so amazing moif! I wanna shrink down and hang out in your town

moif said...

You'd be more than welcome B.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan,
What about those cannons, you wanted? The sooner I get a sketch/drawing the faster I can have them done.
love to the Gullit, (and the both of you of course)