Monday, March 31, 2008

Pat Condell: Religion of fear


brando said...

That is dead on.

Here's a true story. When I was in Iraq, I heard an Muslim preaching out of the loudspeakers of a local mosque. Same as usual; they do it 5 times a day, and it's normally singing, or reading from the koran.

Well, this time he was screaming, and really sounded angry. I couldn't understand the words, but I think I understood the concept. I'm hesitant to use the Hitler analogy, but that's what it sounded like to me. It's like watching those films, where he's speaking to a crowd, just going bonkers. I don't understand the language, but I'm pretty sure he's not talking about puppies and rainbows.

Anyway, I run and go grab my terp out of the building, and have him translate. He's writing on a notepad as fast as he can. I read it, and sure enough it's stuff like "Support the Mooj", and "You're blessed if you kill an American." It couldn't have been any plainer. An islamic leader is plainly and openly preaching terrorism. He's yelling about murdering me. It's not something I heard about on some talk show. I was right there listening to someone personally call for my murder. I filed that in the memory banks.

That summer when I got back, I had a long time friend flatly tell me to my face "Islam has nothing to do with terrorism".

"Nothing to do with", he promised.

All I could do was shake my head slowly and say "Good Lord".

moif said...

The whole 'religion of peace' line is starting to look ridiculous. The other day I was reading about the life of Mohammed, as described in the Quran. The guy was basically a slaver. I don't understand a mentality which can look beyond that to claim he was 'the perfect man'.

He made all these commands about other stuff too. Stuff that subsequently supposed to put him in a good light, but seriously. If a slaver tells me to have a good life, that doesn't make him a good man. He is still a slaver. The only way I could get my head round that sticking point would be to think slavery was some how justified.

Anonymous said...

Well said, nobody with the power to do anything, will hear it.

Anonymous said...

Oops forgot a 'but' in there

moif said...

That depends on who we vote for