Dir: Joe Ahearne
The pesky vampires are planning to take over again, and as usual a secret government organisation is out to prevent them...
'Ultraviolet' is a British TV miniseries from 1998 starring Jack Davenport and Susanne Harker. It has a few negative aspects but on the whole its well acted and fairly credible. It only spans six episodes which is a shame, but may probably be why it works so well since this brevity keeps the story crisp. Unfortunately it also stops with a few loose ends that were never tied up. In many ways this is similar to BBC's 'Torchwood', but I think this one works better. 'Torchwood' always struck me as having a social agenda where as this is just story telling for its own sake. (Bare in mind I haven't actually seen all that much of 'Torchowood' though).
I'm not really much a fan of Jack Davenport, he strikes me as being a guy with a pretty face who more or less plays the same character in everything I've seen him in. In 'Ultraviolet' however, he makes sense as his jaded attitude works quite well with the character. I think this is the first time I've ever seen him in anything where I didn't think he was a dead weight.

er... what?
just something i fell over thats all. If you have any ideers about what to buy freja for christmas it would take a wieght of my shoulders, thanks
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