Yep, that Dan Brown. According to the blurb on the cover, this is the first Robert Langdon novel, which is quite funny as I could hardly tell the difference between this book and the film 'The Da Vinci code' (I haven't actually read the book yet). In 'Angles & Demons' Langdon is brought in to solve the mystery of a murdered scientist, apparently killed by a secret society. The plot takes him into a chase across Rome to find a series of clues finally culminating in a show down at the Vatican.
Actually it wasn't so bad. Although there were some strange assumptions made in the beginning (CERN having an X33 for example, what?) I soon found it hard to put down the book as I got towards the end. I'd already guessed the twist which was pretty obvious in my opinon, but still managed to enjoy the finale. I couldn't quite decide if this book was for or against religion, and I didn't really care by the time it was over. I can't understand why any one would get offended by a novel of this kind. Its entertaining but its just fluff.
I dunno, maybe CERN needs an X33 for doing antimatter work in space, or something.
Sort of like how the X-Men have a super-duper SR71, when a small private jet or normal plane ticket would work just fine.
X33's don't really work though.... they're a flawed experimental class designed to test linear aerospike engines on an aerolift body form...
Its stretching the imagination beyond the breaking point to suggest CERN might have one for fetching people to investigate unusual murders...
But I guess thats the remit of fantasy fiction...? To brazenly paint the pictures that reality won't. I must be getting old, I've just come across another such example (see my next blog post)
Da Vinci code books are the only ones I won't read cuz of my religious beliefs, but "Malleus Maleficarum" is okay.
Even liberals can be selective theological prudes.
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