Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Prestige

I almost forgot about this film but caught sight of it on the shelf in my local kiosk. I'd intended to watch it just after 'The Illusionist' but got side tracked (story of my life).

This film has a lot going for it. A great cast, an interesting story, a fairly good director and Nikola Tesla!!! You can't really go wrong with Nikola Tesla, unless you cast David Bowie to play him, and then alas, things start to slide.
The trouble is, I really want to like this film, but as a work intended to fool the audience, it failed. Not only did I see through Angier's secret plan, I also figured out Borden's 'big secret' too. It was just too obvious. 'He lived his act'. 'Tesla's machine'. Ta da.

If you haven't seen this film, then don't be put off though. Its a good enough experience, its just not quite as well done as 'The Illusionist'.

I really wish they'd make a film about the life of Tesla. He's far more interesting than Howard Hughes!


brando said...

Scarlet was in it so it couldn't have been all that bad.

marinergrim said...

I thought the film was okay. never have liked Bowie as an actor and groaned when I first saw Tesla in the film. Interesting that the two main characters came away from the film with little credit.
The plot was given away the moment you saw the Chinese magician but then hey my wife didn't get it until the bowler hat sequence.
Good film and an excellent set.

I do agree about Tesla though. A film should be made - but please don't reprise Bowie's part!

moif said...

Scarlets role was minimal I'm afraid.

brando said...

I like David Bowie ever since Labrynth.

I enjoyed it because of how ruthless they were to each other just to prove a point. "Ruthless" isn't even the word. They were just flat-out not nice.

Cyan said...

I would love to see a film about Tesla!