Monday, June 11, 2007

Heat rash

Apparently, heat rash is quite normal, but despite this, I'd never had it, nor even heard of it until today. I noticed last night that my skin was itching a lot. We'd been at the beach so I assumed it was just the usually itchiness that comes when the summer begins, but by the time I went to bed last night I had a strange bubbly rash all over my arms and torso. It seemd to be concentrated where ever my skin was touching, like between my arms, or in the folds of flesh about my belly (good ol' middle aged spread)

Today it really let rip so I went over to the doc to get some meds. By 5pm (see above image) however, I looked like a plague carrier and the itch was just unbelievable. Thankfully the meds kicked in and now its died away to a sullen blush.
The doctor told me to stay cool but this has been difficult given the ambient temperature in my room was 32'C today. Needless to say it, but I am grateful I live in a cool country where cool water is always at hand!


Anonymous said...

Stay hydrated, moif. Seriously. Drink a gallon a day, at minimum. It will help alleviate your symptoms a bit.

marinergrim said...

So now you're walking around in boxers only to try and keep cool?

not a pretty thought!

Seriously keep cool and drink plenty of fluid.

brando said...

Heat rash rocks the house!

I'm familiar with that.

moif said...

Its spread to my hands and face now. The meds is once a day but it doesn't last 24 hours so I woke up this morning and looked like a lobster.

I am hydrating a lot.


Anonymous said...

I have the same problem :(
i brake out in rash when i start to sweat, wether it be stuffy room, hot weather or im nervous...
doc say thereis no cure and i jus have to stay cool...
did ur doctor tell u what it was and wy it happens?
i cant do anyting in life with this thing always popping up

moif said...

Sorry to hear that Marc.

Alas, my rash went away quite fast. I only had it for about a week or so, but it ended horribly. The itchiness spread to my hands and they got a bit swollen at the same time. Eventually it felt as if they were on fire and I was close to panic. The doctor at the emergency consultation gave me a few hormone pills against swelling and within 12 hours it was all over.

I doubt we have the same thing, but if it helps you, the hormone was called prednisolone

Aimee said...

i have a heat rash at the moment and its all over my chest torso and neck and starting to go on my face, and down my arms. it is really itchy but i know i shouldnt keep itching it otherwise its just going to make it worse. i got it on the 2nd june and now i still have it but its got worse i got it in p.e we was outside and it was boiling and the teacher made me sprint as fast as i could and now its really bad. i have never had a heat rash as bad as this. :(. what shall i do to stop it from getting really really bad?

moif said...

Prednisolone is the only thing that helped me. It only took a few tablets though.