Monday, June 11, 2007

Freja: 30'C and lifes a bitch

It was so hot today that we went to the beach to cool off in the sea. The weather report had actually promised rain all week but I've not seen any sign of it. Rather we've had a gradual build up until this week ends sweltering temperature and humidity. Alas I forgot to bring the camera, so here is a two week old picture to give you some idea of what the Snoos looks like now. She's come a long way but still has a while to go. Her language skills are improving but slowly. Most of what she says is either Danish or made up.

Its been a weird week. On Thursday I learned my Mother has cancer and has probably had it for over six months. It seems to be centered in her neck and she is due for thirty three daily radiological treatments starting tomorrow (monday). Usually cancer freaks me out but its as if I've known this was coming for a while and its not affected me as I thought it would. Either that or I've not come to terms with it. Either way, its an appalling case of bad luck given she has only just become a grandmother after so long and patient a wait. Her own mother died of cancer also, but she was in her seventies. Naturally I'm hoping she will not die of this, but in the event that she does, I want to give her every opportunity to be with her granddaughter.

Vi var på stranden i dag for at slip for varmen ved at svømme i havet. Det var rigtig sjovt og vi havde Snoosen ud i vandet flere gang. Hun syntes det var hyllende morsom og sparket og plasket som en rigtig vand hund. De var mange menneske op stranden og det er sandt at Danskerne er ved at blive et tyk folk! Jeg har aldrig set så mange stor bagdel!

Jeg havde ikke min kamera med så billedet for oven er fra et par uger siden.

Desværre har jeg haft en lorte nyhede i sidste uge. Min mor har kræft og allerede i morgen (mandag) skal hun begynde på stålebehandling. Jeg ved ikke rigtig hvad jeg syntes, men et er klart; Der er noget møj at hun kun har været bedstemor i to sølle år. Vi menneske er så dårligt til at forstå hvad livet egentlig handler om så vi går og spilder vores liv på jagt efter ting som giver ingen dybe mening. Jeg har måtte opgivet så mange drøm bar for at kunne har det godt fordi de træk mig ned hele tiden. Hvis bar jeg kunnet havde forståde hvad det hele gik ud på noget tidliger.

For helvede!


Cyan said...

Moif, I'm very sorry about your mom's cancer diagnosis. It's a difficult thing to deal with, and if there's anything that I can do for you, please let me know.

My own step-mother has been living with cancer for many years, and within the past couple of years, things have progressed negatively. It's a difficult pill to swallow, but we just try to remain hopeful, because she's beat the odds so many times.

If you need to talk, I'm here for you.


marinergrim said...

Very sorry to hear about your Mother, hope things work out the best way for you all.

moif said...

Thanks Cyan. My Mother came by this morning and seems on top of things.

I don't know what it is, but today I have a rash all over my body. It looks like a heat rash and it itches something terrible. I'm assuming it has something to do with the sea, or maybe the sunshine, but its even places 'where the sun don't shine'.