Monday, June 18, 2007


I finally gave up on IE and installed Firefox, about fifty years behind the rest of the human race. I'm very conservative when it comes to stuff like this. I hate change and detest new software. I don't even like upgrades. Recently I upgraded from Office 2000 to Office 2007 and just the look of the latest Word with its dreamy blue facade and totally new lay out had me spitting brimstone. A couple of months down the line and I'm still trying to figure it out.


kmk said...

I’m glad to finally hear that you gave up IE in favour of Firefox! Now we just have to wait and see if you like it. Firefox is without a doubt the best browser at the moment and has been so for quite a long time. On the other hand we also have Safari, which originally is a Mac browser but have just recently been transferred to the windows platform, but it is still in the development phase. Safari is a really good browser and I must admit that it is my favourite one. Don’t know how well it works on windows yet, but on a Mac it works like a charm.

moif said...

Already found my first glitch. BBC radio's listen service is compromised. The various play/ pause, forward and back buttons don't work any more.

kmk said...

Year, you might run into more of these problems! That’s because everything is developed to work in IE and not anything else.

Anonymous said...

*cough* Opera *cough* ;)

As kmk said, there are some gotchas. IE violates, or just ignores, several Internet standards as defined by the World Wide Web Consortium. As IE won the browser wars of the 90s, web geeks have had to put in special code to make sure it works on IE even if it breaks the more standards-compliant browsers.

Opera is my browser of choice, but Firefox is a fine piece of kit, too.

Safari on MacOS isn't bad. I haven't seen Safari on Windows yet.

Cyan said...

I must admit that I have no love or loyalty towards any current browser. I have IE, Firefox, and Opera installed, and I use them all for different purposes, but none of them do everything that I want them to do.

I have to keep IE, because there are so many sites that have only been designed to work well with that particular browser. The GUI doesn't work for me. I've moved things around to make it feel more comfortable, but I just don't like it.

I do like the way that Firefox "feels" as a browser, but I find that my downloads move at an extraordinarily slow rate, especially with high res images, and it seems to crash on me more frequently than my other browsers.

Opera is fabulous for downloads and basic browsing. It moves super fast, and I like the GUI. Unfortunately, I do run into quite a few glitches in design and function...more so than with Firefox.

Anonymous said...

What made you change in the end?

I use Opera, mostly, with IE for a few sites that give problems (like netbanking... ).
Firefox is nice.
Safari is, in my opinion, a tad clunky.
Going back to IE is a horrible experience.

Btw, I don't like Office 2007 either, but Excel is useful and quite nice.


moif said...

I needed it to install Bryce

Anonymous said...

I think Cyan and Oleg have summed it up nicely.

I have to use IE for on-line banking as well.