Sunday, October 29, 2006

Freja & friends

Last week end, Freja and Mette visited some friends in København. Because it was the school autmun holiday and all the trains were booked, to get there and back, Mette was forced to take the bus (most of which journey is on a fast link ferry) and this meant two hours of sitting in a seat with poor lil Pipski who was bored senseless, restless and unable to sit either quietly, or still. Poor Mette learned just what its like to be the most hated person on the bus... the woman with the non stop screaming kid. The above image is Freja about to have a bath and the below, from København. The other little girl is Camille's niece, Anna, and the in the middle picture, Freja is with Anna's Mom, Bettina.

Mette og Freja tog til København sidst weekend for at besøge Camille og de andre. Camille skal snart føde (til Jul) og er tydelvis begyndte at være stor. Tilykke igen! Vi er så glad for at se den stor mave!
Det var en gang hvor jeg var ikke sikkert på hvor fedt det var at få børn i denne verden, men nu er jeg ligeglad med såden tanke og syntes at hvert barn er et fantastisk vidunder.

Men... Det var et helvede at kom til København. På grund af efterårs feriet, måtte Mette tage busen, og snusen skabte sig i vrede og frustration over at skulle sidde stille i så langt tid. Mette fik lov til at prøve at være den mest hadede person på busen.


Denise said...

Hi moif

It doesn't look like Freja is particularly looking forward to having her bath. Still, cute picture of her!

How do you make the image black and white? I can't figure it out ...


moif said...

I make a second smaller version in Photoshop, upload that to my blog as the primary image, then select it and make a link to a larger full colour image at Photobucket.


Denise said...

I see! I don't have Photoshop any more :-( but I'm sure I could make do with Windows Paint or something, if I feel inclined. Thanks :-)