Monday, October 09, 2006

EVE online

Well, I'm afraid I did it. I joined EVE online on a seven day trial period and its pretty much what I exected only more so... lots and lots of time consuming details. So many in fact that its going to take a lot longer than seven days to work the system out and get a decent ship...

I played the tutorial all evening and now my head is spinning from all the 3d.


Cyan said...

*Hands Moif his towel* (you don't want to be lost in space without one...)

Also, don't forget to change your underwear at least once a day and for the sake of the thunder gods, use your good common sense if you decide to visit an alien brothel!

We'll see your fuzzy blue eema in a couple of weeks when you finally come up for a breat of air from EVE online. :D

Cyan said...

or a breath of air even... :P

moif said...

My nose is about as wet as a dolphins crotch these days so breaching is a bit difficult actually...
