Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Underworld; Evolution

Mette and I watched this last night after Pipski had fallen asleep. Its been a while since I saw any similar film, and ages since I saw the first Underworld film. Consequently I was a little unsure as to what had happened in the last film. I got the gist of it though and was able to follow the plot well enough.

I thought this film was okay, all things considered. It had a nice premise though I felt it fell into the usual American CGI trap with over the top action sequences that gave everything a comic feel. No doubt this was the idea though so I didn't resent it too much. I liked the opening sequence with vampire elite tracking down the werewolf leader William, though mostly because I saw shades of Debar'kaal in it... doubt a certain other person picked up on that 'vibe'. Heh heh heh.

Mette was tired and indifferent, but she enjoyed the film for what it was. She had to ask me several times what was going for she had totally forgotten the first film and I was hard pressed to explain it myself.


Anonymous said...

I admit it, I'm a (happy) wonderer :)

moif said...


And your always welcome.

Anonymous said...

thanks moif..that means a lot...:hug: