Sunday, July 16, 2006

Lazy day

The week end is long and slow and not much is happening in Denmark. Last night the city came alive with festive people in the streets, singing and shouting with drunks kicking up the occaisional fuss and every five minutes cars blasting out loud hip hop or Arabic music. The heat was not so oppressive as it has been on occaision in the last few weeks and I sat watching the TV, drinking fanta and surfing the net.

Both my brothers came by yesterday and it was funny. Its been a long time since we were all three together and the talk was lively and fun. The usual heated debate never turned into argument, and although I did rant a bit, I was treated with good natured affection.

The new computer is working well except for an error message that keeps poppng up to tell me of a defunct USB port. It looks like faulty hardware and I'll have to get it replaced I guess but the message doesn't actually say which port is at fault. This computer has 8 USB ports and I have no idea what they are good for. Two of them are inside the machine so I guess they are for permanent hardware. Two are on the front and I was told these were good for game stuff, joysticks and what have you.

Am working on two or three projects at the moment and today I must make a start on a fourth. I don't know when I'll ever get around to finishing anything at this rate!

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