Thursday, July 20, 2006

Freja and things

There isn't much to say except, what a glorious day! Yesterday was cool too. We went to the beach with a friend and her two year old son and had a great time (I forgot the camera though). Mette and Freja (who loved the sea) went out into the water but I was shy. Too fat and too pale at the moment. Usually I wouldn't have cared, but I was feeling more than usually self conscious since yesterday was the first time I'd been out in public with my new hair... thats right. I finally had my hair cut....

...Freja continues to develop swiftly and can now move about on her own two feet, although she is quite unstable and sometimes timid. She insists on holding a hand when embarking on a longer journey.

Vi var på stranden i går, men jeg glemte kameret. Det var smukt og ikke for varmt og Freja var vildt med vandet. En rigtig vand hund!
Som i kan se, fik jeg min hår klippet. Peter kom fordi i mandags og tog det hele på en gang. Væk med det.


Anonymous said...

Hair cut looks good.

Freja is as cute as ever.

marinergrim said...

Nothing wrong with the haircut dude. It's longer than mine!
Isn't that feeling when she asks to hold your hand and then walks along with you great?

moif said...

Well if I'd known how my GF would react then I would have sliced off myhair ages ago. She loves it. (Keeps touching it and giggling)

It sort of depends. Its nice when she makes contact, but its a bit annoying when she stamps on my toes (she is one heavy lil girl!!!!)


Anonymous said...

Heh. My 5 year old, 40lb. son still stands on my feet, and walks up my legs if I'm laying down on the floor

moif said...

Ha ha ha ha. BUt its a sweet pain is it not? How is lil D these days?

Anonymous said...

You've had a haircut moif! It looks good.

I'm very happy to see the buzzy bee in use :-)

moif said...

...I'm so happy these days and yet, when I see myself in photo's I look so damned miserable!

Anonymous said...

Hehe, do people mistake you for a skinhead when you have your serious face on? ;-)

I have no doubts your friends know exactly how happy you are, especially when you talk about your family.

moif said...

Luckily lots of people have very short hair now. Its almost fashionable.

My hair is growing a lot faster than I expected and its become 'casaer like', that is to say, it points forwards now where as before it pointed backwards...
