Saturday, June 03, 2006

News from Denmark

The police have arrested a twenty one year old man for the murder of nineteen year old Khurram Wagar who was beaten to death at the gates of Christiania. Very few details have emerged, but it transpires the dead man was of Pakistani origin and a stranger to the ‘Free state’. More arrests are expected since the murder suspect did not act alone. The inhabitants of Christiania have, in recent days made their outrage at the violence well known in the national media (but I noted they all distanced themselves as to the cause: the open sale of illegal drugs that they, as a community tolerate). According to BT nor was it the people of Christiania who helped the police to catch the suspected murderer. Kriminalinspektør Ove Dahl is quoted by BT as saying:

After a general meeting held at Christiania, we haven't had any response or received any information from the people there. We hope that now the case is moving forwards, the people there will come to their senses.


Also in the national media at this time is the court case of last years prominent ‘honour killing’ of eighteen-year-old Ghazala Khan, where by her Pakistani family conspired together to execute their daughter and her newly wed Afghani husband. The girl’s brother gunned both down in broad daylight and the event was witnessed, and photographed by members of the public. Given the public nature of the killing the brother can hardly claim his innocence, but the prosecution is currently charging the slain girls entire family with conspiracy to commit murder. Each day has brought fresh revelations as various witnesses have testified and a clear picture of a family bent on mortal revenge is becoming clear.

Yesterday the husband, who survived the attack, related how his wife was terrified of her family and the retribution they would bring upon her for having married some one who did not meet with her family’s prior blessing. Her last words were translated as ‘My Brother! What are you doing?”


A recent opinion poll, taken in the aftermath of the recent stories of US marines killing innocent civilians has shown that for the first time, the majority of Danes (51%) now favour withdrawing Danish troops from Iraq. Naturally the socialist opposition greeted this news enthusiastically with several prominent opposition politicians making (what I can only describe as extremely biased and exceptionally unfair) broad statements against the US government and its military adventures in the ‘Muslim world’. Only 40% of those polled indicated a desire for Danish troops to remain in Iraq.


Yesterday the Folketing (Danish parliament) passed a law that allows lesbian couples to receive the same rights to state funded artificial insemination as is given to heterosexual couples. In order for this to happen, several members of the governing Liberal Conservative party Venstre, had to vote against their own partners in government, the conservatives. As a consequence both the conservatives and the nationalist Danske Folkeparti have come out with strong condemnations of the way by which the PM Anders Fogh Rasmussen, runs his government.
A poll published today indicates that 49% of Danes are opposed to the new law which is seen by many as discriminating against heterosexual couples since by law these are only given three state funded attempts at insemination per woman where as lesbians, by virtue of there being two women in such a relationship will thus automatically have the chance at getting six free attempts at pregnancy. Only 36% of Danes polled stated they were in favour of the new law.

moif: Personally I think its all a storm in a tea cup. So what if lesbians get an advantage? Big deal! Its not like they have so many odds in their favour and maybe its no bad thing for homosexuals to have an advantage for once. It seems to me that far too many people in this matter are more concerned with limiting others than with their own personal growth. More power to the lesbians, and I hope they all have fat healthy children!

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