Sunday, June 11, 2006


The Pip has had a good week, all things considered (no images I'm afraid) She started out with a snuffle and evolved into a cough, but this doesn't seem to bother her much... though it bothers me since she infected me and now my throat hurts when I swallow.

Today, was a bright sunny day and the girls (with Malene) were out and about, enjoying the sunshine (and its finally starting to look summer like here) whilst I sat in doors watching a bunch of men kicking a ball about.

Development wise, Freja is coming along in fits and starts. She hasn't responded verbally to greetings in the last two weeks at all (still waves a lot though) but I'm assuming this is merely because its boring. Her latest games involve a lot of crawling about at high speed, adventuring and exploring the flat. She also huffles and puffs a lot whilst mumbling to herself. She is so cute!

She's also starting to get little blonde curls around her ears.

Pipsen har haft en god uge (alt taget i betragtning) Hun har haft en forkølelse som nu er den blevet til et host men hun er åbenbart ligeglad. Jeg er også bleven smittet (som sædvænligt)

I dag var en rigtig solskins dag i Århus, og pigerne tog med 'Moster Malene' ud og omkring mens jeg sad og gloede VM (jeg har haft det ret skidt i dag også med ny blødninger. Fændeme typisk!)

Freja har ikke besvaret mig her på det sidste. Hun vinker hele tiden men hun har ikke sagte 'Hej hej' i ti dage nu. Det betyder nok at hun syntes ikke det er sjovt mere. Nu har hun nogle ny spil som gå ud på at kravler rundt om i lejligheden på eventyr mens hun mumbler of grynter til sig selv. Hun er så sød!

Hun har også begyndte at få små krølle omkring hendes ører.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yup. You'll find that development does indeed come in fits and starts. Sometimes, they will backslide a bit and maybe get moody right before a developmental spurt.