Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Poor lil Pip is all snuffling and ill at the moment (and I'm coming down with it tonight as well) She's had a rough few days with troubled nights and much grizzling and whining during the day... except of course when guests were here... then she perks up considerably.

Unfortunately I have no images to post either since the computer is now empty of all our images and files as I prepare to reinstall Windows XP. If I disapear for a few days or weeks, then you'll know why!

Stakkels lil Pipski er noget så syg med forkølse for tiden (og har nu givet den videre til mig). Hun har haft en elendigt på dage og nætter og har haft stor besvær med at fald til ro om natten. Det eneste tidspunkt hvor hun har været helt normalt er når vi har haft besøgende, for så er hun glad. Hun elsker selskab og nyt omkring sig.

Desværre har jeg ikke noget billede lige for tiden da jeg har tømt computeren for alt i for bederelse for at geninstallere Windows XP. Hvis jeg lige pludsigt forsvinder, så ved du hvorfor.


Anonymous said...

Oof. Poor lil Pipski.

With all the rain we've had, David's asthma has acted up. He's on full meds for about a month.

Good luck with the reinstall.

moif said...


I hope there are no umpleasant side effects!

Anonymous said...

Naw. He's good. It's stuff he's had before. I hope that he eventually outgrows it like I did.

moif said...

Nå! Vil du har billeder!?

Så skal du få billeder!!!!


moif said...

Nå! Vil du har billeder!?

Så skal du få billeder!!!!
