Monday, April 05, 2010

Artist of the month; Patricia Bourgeois

I'm not entirely sure who or what Patricia Bourgeois is as her website is in French and I haven't bothered to set the Google translator on it. She seems to be some kind of artist who is on a trip around the world with her husband and two children, taking photographs and publishing books as she goes. I haven't really looked at the books much, since the images shown are often repeated on her blog, in the guise of colourful and inventive montages. It is these montages which caught my eye, during a Google image search in March and which have earned her the glory of being saluted by JRC-1138 for the month of April! Beyond that there isn't much to say except, I shall certainly be employing Patricia Bourgeois as a source of inspiration when ever I get the chance as her work is some of the most interesting montages I have yet seen. Of course it helps to have good and original reference material...


mlj said...

I don't know if it's the maps that are doing it (everyone knows that maps are the best thing in the world, right?), but I think she's my favourite of all the artists you've put up here. I absolutely *LOVE* this. Thanks for sharing - she will for sure be someone I refer to in the future.


moif said...

I love maps I have to admit