Sunday, October 25, 2009

moifs wonderful overview of European history

It quickly became apparent that seven columns just were'nt enough to cover the subject of European history, but changing the screen width isn't a factorwhich I can be bothered to wait until I have a bag of surplus funds for that purpose. Thus, plan B developed. Instead of one document, there are now three with interlocking links. That was the original purpose of hypertext after all.

So, now I have twenty one colour coded columns, with twenty six sub catagories in three documents and this is working so far. I've also learned more about the context of Europe's history in this week end than all of last year put together. I've discovered new and interesting people, like Flavius Aetius, Thorir Hund and Prince Rupert of the Rhine, and I've had a laugh learning about the Popes, especially the murdering rapist Pope whose father bought him the office, but who then got kicked out for "feasting on immorality" when the other priests had had enough of his "many vile adulteries and murders". His name was Benedict IX and he didn't take any shit from the clergy. He naturally returned with an army and got his job back, but then got bored with it anyway and sold it to his father in law. He later decided this was a bad move and returned with another army. In the end, the German King had to intervene to put a stop to the madness. If Dan Brown wrote it, people would call it far fetched. Almost as funny is that there was a Pope named Hilarius. I imagine he was a blast during prayers.

Including the sub catagoies (in itallics), my overview of European history now has the following catagories;

Page 1
Britain. Scotland. Wales.
France. Normans. Burgundy. Carolingians.
Italy. Rome. Venice. Papacy.
German. Teutonic Order. Hanseatic League.
Denmark. Vikings.
Others. Holy Land. Significant international events.

Page 2
Iberia. Al Anadalus.
Greece. Balkans.
Holland. Belgium.
Denmark. Vikings.
Norway. Iceland.

Page 3
Russia. Finland. Golden Horde.
Eastern Europe. Poland. Hungary.
Anatolia. Byzantium. Ottomans.
Eurasia. Bulgaria. Huns.
Art History.

Denmark is currently listed twice for convenience of comparison with neighbouring countries. Most of the latter are just empty columns, awaiting the time when my eye roves across their times. I'm also thinking of adding other sub catagories as I go, Baltic states, Knights Hospitaller and the Knights Templar, various Italian mini states, &tc. A major gap thats already apparent is Austria and Switzerland, but I've not figured out how to slot them in yet, maybe I'll dump one of the Denmark's, it should really be the first one as the scond puts Denmark into context with the rest of Scandinavia. Another probelm is the Holy Roman Empire which seems to exist in a parrallel universe all of its own.

I may have to scrap the current version and build a new one on what I've already figured out and have one page for England, one for France, one for Germany and so on... the trouble with that is the lack of clarity. The whole point is show context of historical events on Europe, not nit pick at the details.

I'm tempted to start two more documents anyway. One dealing with the America's and Africa and another with the Middle East and Asia. Currently all of these fall under 'Others' which works now, but will probably become a problem later on as the details start to fill up.

The significant international events catagory sits as a black bar, right across all the columns. The idea is to place a marker for events so significant they more or less effected every one. Currently these include the birth of Jesus Christ, the capture of Jerusalem (to the Crusaders), the fall of Byzantium, the discovery of America, the beginning of the Thirty Years War, the Beginning of the Napoleonic Wars and Nazi Germany's invasion of Poland. Palle reckoned the consolidation of Imperial Roman power under Augustus ought to count as a significant international event too, but I don't see how that effected Britain, Scandinavia, Russia and Eastern Europe. On the other hand, there is always the reverberations of events to consider. The discovery of America didn't have an immediate effect either. I'm still undecided though as I see Augustus's reign more as an internal Roman matter as opposed to a significant international event. Points of view welcomed.

In other news, my brother Philip gave me a camera so I shall soon be posting images of models and figures again.

I'd like to be able to boast about my latest acquisitions, but the Teutonic cavalry and various Fallschirmsjaeger I ordered from Black Tree Design, almost a month ago now, have yet to materialise. I understand that BTD have been having problems with deliveries, but I only came by this information after I'd placed the order. It wouldn't have mattered much anyway, as I wanted the figures and they were on offer and if I have to wait a few weeks more, then so be it.

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