Saturday, May 23, 2009


The Spring is nice and warm, the sun is bright and shiny and walking in the city we came across my old friend Rico with his family. Stupidly, I forgot I had my camera in my pocket, but I did remember to take some pictures of my girls as we wandered about. We're all a bit under the weather as Freja has brought home yet another infection of some kind but despite this we managed to soak up some summer ambience, and I even looked at some new shoes with a thought to getting around to replacing my old Oakley's (though I didn't buy any).

The picture below shows Mette and Freja (Magne is in the big old fashioned perambulator) on Rosengade in central Aarhus.

Mette hates when I take pictures of her, but I love her so much I get all soft inside...


Cyan said...

Mette is beautiful and photogenic. She has such depth in her eyes.

moif said...

She begs to differ, but I agree with you. LOL

Cyan said...

It's a good thing she has you to remind her. ;)

moif said...

Amongst other the various other 'services' I provide.


Anonymous said...

Guess you had another kid when I wasn't looking! :D Heh!

moif said...

Yes, we have a son now too, born in February. His name is Magne.
