Saturday, March 07, 2009

The pleasures of multiculture

Things are heating up in Scandinavia these days. Central parts of Copenhagen have been turned into a veritable war zone with gangs of immigrants fighting each other, the Hells Angels, the media and the politicians with varying levels of aggression and defiance. As always, the innocent are paying the heaviest price and the ninety shootings which have taken place in Copenhagen in the last few months have left three dead and numerous wounded. On top of this, immigrant gangs have started stopping people in the street and searching any one who enters 'their territory'. The police have responded with additional manpower, but have yet to provide an adequate response able to stop the violence. The media has reported that gang members stopped by the police have been found to be wearing bullet proof vests.

The obvious outcome of all this, is fear. The populace of Copenhagen has begun to adapt to the new situation by avoiding the 'war zones'. The police have asked people to go about their business as usual, but the many shootings, and the multitude of stabbings and beatings which have taken place in recent months have served to illustrate the dangers of pretending every thing is normal in Copenhagen these days (Article is in Danish). It hasn't escaped peoples notice either that should you be stopped and beaten by a gang of Muslim immigrants, the police, even if they catch them at it red handed, will not press charges. Recent examples (video is in Danish) illustrate all too clearly how powerless the Danish police have become when faced with the ever repeated accusation of racism, or Islamophobia.

Naturally a demonstration for peace and tolerance brought several hundred people on to the streets on friday and the mother of one of the dead has issued a plea for peace in Jyllandsposten (article in Danish).

The politician directly responsible for integration in Copenhagen, is an openly homosexual social democrat called Jacob Hougaard. He can be seen here, being attacked by bottle throwing immigrants as he attempts to answer questions put to him by a journalist. Should it matter that Jacob Hougaard is both gay and tasked with integrating people who have serious problems with homosexuality? I don't know, but I find it hard to believe that he can overcome the rampant homophobia of the people throwing bottles at him. Good luck with that Jacob.

Denmark is not alone in enjoying the pleasures of multiculture. The city of Malmø in Sweden (just across the sea from Copenhagen) was the scene of another violent anti Israel demonstration by 6,000 Muslim immigrants and those left wing shock troopers known as the Autonome. Naturally the Danish police sent reinforcements.

Here is an English explanation of what took place, here is the BBC version and here is video footage.


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