Saturday, January 03, 2009


Denmark. 2009.

Two Israeli's were shot by 'a Dane' in Odense, thats the BBC headline anyway, they kept his ethnic identity off the headline as if to suggest some one other than a Palestinian had gone on a shooting rampage. The head Rabbi of Denmark suggested the Imams of the Islamic Faith Society make a public statement against such violence in Denmark but the Islamic Faith Society, never shy of publically speaking out against Islamophobia in Denmark, declined to make any comment. A silence that speaks for itself.

Here are some of 'the Dane's' hooded friends expressing their opinion on the matter on TV2's national news. Its in Danish, but for those of you unfortunate to not be fluent in our beautiful language, here is a brief translation of what the nice man says...

"He is one of the first ones in Demark who has shown a big... a big... a great... a great...
Well, you should have seen the great party we threw over this yesterday. I really hope every one supports him."

He is one of the first? One of the first what?

The guy with the glasses concludes saying he doesn't agree with what the man did, but he understands. Well, I do too. Its not hard to understand. This so called 'Dane' shot two defenceless people simply because they were Israeli's, and he did it in the middle of a Danish shopping mall. Its not hard to understand, nor is the politician's apparent disinterest nor the tacit acceptance of the Danish Muslim population that shooting Israeli's is something worth celebrating.

Austria. 1938.

edited to add.

I read this today and I can sense the truth in it. If this issue isn't dealt with by Europe's media and political leadership, then I believe we are heading for very bad times.

It is hard to believe that while Shoah victims and holocaust survivors still walk among us, that we would witness an evil so severe and grotesque that it would make the rhetoric of the Third Reich look mild.
Yes, the Nazis killed millions -- that was the obvious monstrous result of their campaign.
We have not yet witnessed the "final solution" of Islamic jihad -- but there are incontrovertible facts that are blinding. The Nazis hid their crimes. The Nazis pretended to be doing one thing while subversively carrying out its "extermination" of Jews, gypsies, "undesirables", etc. They engaged in rhetoric and obfuscation.

This time is different. The Muslims are not engaging in rhetoric. They are not pretending. They want the Jews dead and they exult in their wild screams of blood lust. Such joy, such happiness at their Jew hating chants from a joyless people.
The Germans went to war, conquered countries and with the help of those weak governments and people annihilated the Jews. The Holocaust was a German initiative subsequently carried out by every nation the Nazis conquered in Europe, with the exception of Denmark.
It's not a national initiative this time. It's global........... a wave of evil has washed over this earth like a veritable tsunami and it has colored everything.

I expect this barbarity and Jew hatred from the Arab/Islamic world. It's what they do and what they have always done.

But what was the lesson that Europe learned after the holocaust? It was not that evil is bad and that they behaved like monsters, but, as Caroline Glick said in our interview, that " rather that everything was caused by nationalism and therefore what we really need to do is have a European Union that will obviate our need for nationalism so that we can become this transnational gobbletygook and we'll all get together and therefore we won't have another Auschwitz". But really the lesson the Europeans should have been is that "we were evil and we have to be good. And that is the lesson we have to learn and and we have to be able and willing to make moral distinctions and stand up for the good and fight evil and that is something the Europeans refuse to do."

Once again Europe chooses to embrace madness and evil as its central unifying characteristic. And this time England is leading the way.

I believe good will triumph over such overwhelming odds and numbers. I know it in my bones, but one has to look at the global landscape and say, at what cost? LINK.

This flyer was distributed today on the main square of Copenhagen.


brando said...

It's not phobia if they really are trying to kill you.

Islamaphobia is a null word.

marinergrim said...

I thik your last photogrpah speaks volumes for peoples attitudes.
Shooting innocents because of their faith will reinforce the philosophies of both sides in the conflict.

moif said...

As far as I am aware, only one Muslim organisation has yet distanced itself from the shooting. That doesn't bode well.

The parallels with Europe in the 1930's are not exact, but similar. Then they had 'brown shirts' using violence for a political end, today we have the black shirted autonome doing something very similar (whilst ironically claiming to be anti-fascist)

The good news is, the social foundation is very different. I don't see the rise of a new dictatorial tyranny happening in Europe any time soon. Instead I think the current threat of violence to minorities is posed by a marginal group of socialists, communists and anarchists, the majority of whom are deeply biased against Israel.

The Muslims of Denmark are an ambiguous lot and its actually very different to gauge how great a threat they pose. They are certainly responsible for a growing number of violent attacks, both against Jews and ethnic Danes. As far as I can see there is no similar trend in the opposite direction at all.

Historiker-Palle said...

Well, this one might be a single instance, THE single instance, a Tyrkish newspaper delivery was clubbed by three young Danish men and later died. The perpetrators has beaten "foreigners" before, though not lethally and only one of them was found guilty. then. Those three are most likely an isolated instance of idiots, but there is an ongoing fight here in Aarhus between Neo-Nazis from White Pride and Autonome, the theory is that the Nazis have singled out Autonome because as all true flock-hoodlums they are afraid of serious harm and thus dare not take on the immigrant gangs that are so numerous here in Aarhus V where I live. And where someone in every family, uncle, cousin, father or brother owns a gun according to an "integrated" ex-colleague of mine at DHL (he is integrated except if I want a date with his sister, even him- a model integrated Moslem with no criminal record, job, income, Danish friends- holds antequated views on women).
Yesterday I taught at a Muslem school here in Aarhus, it is not too bad. But all those kids are full of questions about Gaza and most of them are told from home that Israel is evil, a few that Hamas is also... what can you say? A far to complicated matter for 8-year olds... I told them that what it came down to is that those on both sides wanting war are fools. That Israel has a right to defend itself, but not excessively, but that it is wrong of Hamas to fire rockets into Israel... that they should learn to coexist, and that was the truth of it and they should think no more on it. They were mostly Tyrks and Kurds (in same school :-s), so they sort of got it I think, I just hope they keep it.
Me, preaching peace and love :-s

Historiker-Palle said...

One thing, those kids are all full of preconceptions about how there is war and repression against Moslems everywhere, and how the Ottoman Tyrks were cool. A bit intimidating how it gets subtly ingrained in them- possibly even unconsciously.