Thursday, January 08, 2009

I really hate buses

I had to take a public bus this morning. It was bad enough having to get up at the crack of dawn, after four hours of constant sleep deprivation thanks to the Snoos, but sitting on a bus, starting, stopping, jerking me about as the driver swung the heavy vehicle around small corners and through the early morning traffic, my stomach decided that the first half hour was too much and began to rebel. I haven't thrown up from driving sickness in years, but this morning came close.

I have to go through it all over again tomorrow. Currently I'm on a introduction course to learn about CS4 Flash. This is taking place in a small rural centre on the far side of Skanderborg. It might as well be the far side of Mars for me. The hassle just getting there is horrendous. I survived though, so I guess I can do it again tomorrow. I shall learn from my mistakes however and take a plastic bag with me, just in case.

It was great to come home, all knackered and ready to drop and be greeted with little running feet and a big cry of "Dada!"

In other news, Freja managed to almost destroy the second TV in two weeks today. Fortunately it survived landing on its screen.

1 comment:

Cyan said...

I hate taking the bus as well, but it's for different reasons. The public transit in our city is not excellent, and it can take hours to reach a destination (with a lot of bus changing in between.)