Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Be warned ye sensitive of heart, Jim Morrison didn't have too many inhibitions!

Todays featured moif favourite. This one always gets me going. I love the bit where Morrison kicks off with 'now that we know each other a little bit better'. Cracks me up every time.

The Doors are so dated now, but still so real. Its like listening to a soundtrack for the Vietnam war. All you need is footage of the B52's to make a perfect counter point to Morrison's blunt disregard for convention.

"Bare læs det ud!"

And how do you follow something that good? Well it can be done, and done well. Here is another moif fav proving that America is far cooler than most other countries ('cause I'd love to hear the Iranian band which can go toe-to-toe with RATM).

They're a bunch of communist provo's, but I don't care. No one ever had a better sound!


brando said...

"They're a bunch of communist provo's, but I don't care. No one ever had a better sound!"

Right on.

I'm pretty disgusted and disappointed with some of the things they advocate, but RATM is the best workout music.

Renegades of funk is great for running.

Sleep now in the fire is great for weightlifting.

Steve-the-Wargamer said...

Well at least I agree with you about the Doors... :o))

...but this is the sound track to the Vietnam war for me - that guitar sends shivers up your spine...

moif said...

Well, thats the soundtrack to 'Apocolypse Now' at any event (Fantastic film!).

Actually I didn't mean 'Gloria' in particular, but rather the whole Doors repetoire.