Tuesday, April 01, 2008

moifs thought for the day: Oxygene

Its been 32 years since JM Jarre released his debut album, and as is often the case with art, he has never managed to surpass it, though the sequal isn't half bad either. Currently, the father of French ambient music is touring with the original instruments he used to record (apparently in his kitchen) 'Oxygene'.

Odd that. Its not uncommon for my favourite artists to burn out their originality really fast, indeed it seems to be something of a trend and I wonder if perhaps its because the older we get, the further we move away from the fertile perception of childhood. I've noticed in myself a propensity towards reusing old idea's from twenty years ago instead of conjuring up something new. Its as if my mind just isn't flexible enough to ignore the little details reality likes to throw at me. I get bogged down in a swamp of tedious justifications.

I suspected this was happening when I stopped reading fantasy books. I knew it for sure when I stopped reading any science fiction that came my way. Today I'll only read books which promise novelty. I wonder if I'm losing the ability to 'play' as I get more intolerant of other people's imagination. I don't seem to have any trouble playing games, and my own imagination seems as active as it always was, so maybe its just a natural consequence of time, and like Jarre, I look backwards in order to look forwards?

I wish.

I should put aside all these idle speculations and just do something. I've put off painting anything for a month now. Fear is holding me back. I've never found it easy to let go and just paint and this last month has shown me how little I've changed despite all the aging and maturing. I'm still terrified of the canvas.

New resolution, amending to my existing resolutions: Paint at least one picture before Mette comes home from England!

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