Friday, April 18, 2008

moif world update

Its been a while since I wrote about the Snoos, mostly because the long dull winter and an extended period of illness has kept her some what unphotogenic... there's only so many pictures of a snotty child sitting watching Tom and Jerry a blog can bear. Things are beginning to clear up again though (thankfully) with the sun shining and the various infections finally being pushed into oblivion.

On Wednesday Uncle Christian came by (thats him in the above image looking like Ming the Merciless) on his way back to London (where he is currently lying in bed with the latest Snoos virus, keep the faith dude!). I'm sympathetic, having just been through two weeks of it.

Today my Dad came by, mostly to see Freja, and have dinner. Freja was really shy at first but after an hour she'd thawed out. She's going through a phase of extreme shyness which I'm told is normal for kids her age (she's now 2½) and the only people she currently seems to accept without an hour of bashfulness first are my friends Oleg, his two sons and our old friend Malene who was due to give birth four days hence and who I am almost convinced will give birth tonight since I dreamt she was giving birth this morning. Scans reveal she is due to have a daughter and I believe her namemay be Claudia. I'm really looking forward to seeing her, and as always when this time comes around, I am as nervous as all hell that something horrible will happen. If I were religious I'd be praying to Gaia!

In the meanwhile life grinds ever on. Freja is reluctantly beginning her toilet training but its slow going as yet (she'll love me if she ever reads that I posted that on the www) and Mette is working hard in her 'new' job. I'm looking forwards to seeing the first collection of kids clothes from her company (I'll post the company link once they get their site up and running).

In other moif news, my old friend Andreas from Norway, started his own blog (added to the friends list) and its been fun reading that, even though I am crap at reading Norwegian, I can actually understand about 90% of it. Andreas and I went to art school in Kent where we studied for two years and he is the only person I met there whom I've kept contact with. Its good to have a renewed virtual contact. I love the internet!


mlj said...

Hi Moif,

Nice with an update. Freja's really grown..!

Hope all's well.


moif said...

All things considered, things are well with us, and I hope things are well with you too.


Anonymous said...

(thats him in the above image looking like Ming the Merciless)

Hau hau hau!

kmk said...

me = Ming the Merciless? lol

godt freja ik har lært at lave dykænder endnu :-)