Sunday, April 06, 2008

Der Rote Baron

The latest World War One dogfight movie featuring the famous von Richthofen, and this one is from Germany itself. Sounds promising until one understands its made for international consumption and is said to focus on the Red Baron's humanity and compassionate nature...

Well, okay, he was human after all. Hopefully there'll be a few dogfight scenes along the way for those of us who still find biplane combat to be fascinating, strange and slightly romantic (nothing quite so exotic as airborne combat without a parachute). If these trailers are anything to go by, then I think I'll get what I want though. They seem to be as boisterous with CGI biplanes as the dog fight scenes in 'Fly Boys'.

Peter Jackson (he of dubious Lord of the Rings fame) has also made a World War One/biplane combat film. Apparently its all of fifteen minutes long and was made as an advertisment for the new camera he used to make it. See the trailer here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jan, I wasnt aware of this movie until now. I love aerial combats - hopefully it will be less sentimental than "Flyboys"