Tuesday, January 29, 2008

moif world update

Well, so far I've managed to go swimming six times in January and I'm certainly paying for it. I have aches and pains all over, some of which are actually quite scary. According to the Beeb people like me age faster so it ought not be so surprising that years of illness, medical side effects and generally living before my computer have taken their toll. They have and I ache all over. After I got back from swimming I walked about the city centre with Freja (who was face painted as a zebra) on my shoulders for an hour or so and now I feel like I've had the bejeesus kicked out of me. The various aches and pains have gotten so over the top that I felt compelled to go and see my GP today. He found nothing wrong with me and my latest set of blood tests showed nothing but a slight D vitamin deficiency. He must think I am an avid hypochondriac and I really wish I was since the fourteen or fifteen points of agony I can now count on my body are starting to bum me out (you can tell why I never got into sports). I'm still trudging on, though I haven't been back to my psychologist again (can't afford the fee's). I'm going to be going on a job seeking course soon, as well as a project for people with long term chronic illnesses. I'm hoping against experience that these might help me climb further out of my 'dark pit of despair'.

So anyway. I went to a family gathering during the week end and met some of my cousins. Some of them I haven't seen in 15 years. Most I hadn't seen in 12. It was really good to see them all, but I felt there was a lot of tension in the room, the product of our parents and their civil war. Its amazing to me just how many people in my generation have parents who don't get on with their siblings. The baby boomers seem to be very quarrelsome. I wonder if we'll all be the same in fifteen or twenty years time (provided we actually make it that far).


Anonymous said...

Poor you.
I have much sympathy for you, and a lot of respect because you are trying to do something about the rut you're wallowing in.

Whatever you do, keep swimming.
Just don't try too much, too soon, so you damage yourself.
Your physique should get more used to it.

Dunno about your other ailments.

As a cheerful aside, the word verification was YTURD or something.


Anonymous said...

"The baby boomers seem to be very quarrelsome."

This biggest understatement of this century and the previous one.

Steve-the-Wargamer said...

...keep at it - the aches will disapear as the body gets fitter... the key is to keep doing it on a regular pattern....

Anonymous said...

Yes, keep up the swimming. Slow and steady is the way to go. Is there a hot tub you can sit in after you're done? That may help your achey muscles. All in all, even if you have muscle soreness, it's good to continue as the movement keeps the body hydrated (in this case on the inside)and can actually get rid of the aches and pains. Good luck! You're doing a great job!

moif said...

The pains I am feeling at the moment do not appear to be muscular, but rather something to do with my lymph nodes. I now have acute pain in my left knee, groin, left arm pit and left jaw bone.I didn't go back to my doctor today. I'm going to wait the week end over and see if it fades away and then call him on monday if it doesn't. So far the pain is quite intense and shows no sign of letting up.

Frankly I'm quite terrified by it, but my doctor didn't seem too concerned when I saw him on wednesday, though my jaw didn't actually start hurting until the day after I'd been to see him. If I suddenly stop writing, then I guess I died of a brain tumour or something. What ever it is, I'd like it to stop now since its A. very painful, and B. very scary.