Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Martians are coming!

Here are various you tube video's I've come across showing a range of Martian fighting machines and other tripods:

Two tripods standing by Andrew Glazebrook

Tripods (TV series) compilation

Fan remake of the Spielberg intersection scene

Fan film featuring a pseudo Spielberg tripod

Short fan made animation based on the Spielberg film

Scary movie 4 skit of the Spielberg intersection scene

Not sure what this one is...

Tesco Vs Denmark

Footage of the never completed Harryhausen WOTW project

Intro to the Jeff Wayne WOTW computer game

Jeff Wayne tripod 'dance video'

Jeff Wayne type tripod kicking over a building

Discarded test animation from the planned JeffWayne WOTW movie

Fan made recreation of Jeff Wayne's original 1978 promo film

Student work based on Jeff Wayne's album

Student work cgi model of fighting machine

Another student made cgi fighting machine

WOTW fan film based on the Haskin film



Anonymous said...

There's also tripods from The Tripods trilogy by John Christopher, and made into a BBC series which ended abruptly without finishing the story... it ended with the young heroes returning to base in the White Mountains and finding the base deserted.

moif said...

Yes, thats the second link there. There's been talk of picking up the third series for a long time now and recently (as in within the last two years) I read some where they're even considering a total remake...

I'll believe it when I see it though

Anonymous said...

Had a laugh over the Tescos one. Printing RM tomorrow so I can read it on the train.