This wasn't at all what I was expecting. I was thinking from what I'd seen on TV that this was something in the vein of Jim Henson, so it was quite a surprise to find it was far darker and actually quite sad. The ending in particular was grusome, despite the 'happy ending' of the girls delusion.
This film is about a young girl who lives wth her mother and her step father in Franco's Spain. Her mother is high pregnant and in poor health and her father in law is a sadistic army captain who has no time for his step daughter at all. In order to escape the bleak reality in which she lives, the girl invents a magical world which intrudes into her life with dire consequences. This is an excellent film, but very dark.

Yeas a great film, if you liked this and haven't seen it his other film The Devil's Backbone is great also !!
Happy endings are overrated. Haven't seen it. I might get the DVD.
I really enjoyed Pan's Labyrinth, and I second Andrew's comment on The Devil's Backbone.
I appreciate Guillermo Del Toro's pacing and treatment of atmosphere.
I shall certainly keep an eye open for it!
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