For what its worth, its that time of year, the season that these days dare not speak its own name: Christmas.
Fortunately for me in Denmark, Jul is older than Christianity so I need fear no stigma from those back in the good old UK for whom Christmas is become something problematic, when I wish you all a
I celebrate the winter solstice, and I have no problem receiving well wishes from people who celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule, etc...
May the stars shine brightly upon you and yours during this holiday season. :)
You know, I think Jul and the winter solstice are the same thing!
I'm not really into the whole Christmas thing, we just do it to please the kids,
I prefer presents more on my Birthday !!
Wishing you and your family a nice time over the holiday period and hope you have a great New Year !!
If we didn't have electricity and didn't have a good means of storing food throughout the winter, I bet that the actual day when it you reached a turning point and the days started getting longer would be a huge deal.
Merry Christmas, ya'll.
What delightful pictures!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Glædelig Jul!!
Whatever your reason for the season, spread a little cheer with the ones you love.
Merry Christmas to the Snoos family - thinking of you all!
xxx M
Thanks guys. I'm at home with my Dad & brothers at the moment, and so far its been okay. No snow (as usual) and Freja is, as always, the abbsolute centre of attention.
She needs a sibling soon or she is going to be one precosious child!
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