Sunday, October 14, 2007

moif world update

Well, we've all been sick as can be these last several days with the latest bug from Freja's day care. This one apparently took out two thirds of every one there.

Freja got it first but of course breezed through it with two days of appetite loss and a single days 'diaper hell' (I am obliged to call them diapers due to the fact that I get more hits from the USA than I do from any where else). Then Mette and I began to get the first symptoms. I had a pain in my stomach (nothing new there) and Mette woke up during the night and vomitted mightily into the toilet (I smelt it and it was really bad).

TMI? Too bad.

I never got beyond feelings of nausea, but I did have the loose stomach and fevered sweating as hot n cold waves took turns to wash through me. Today was day three of the 'bad period' but I think we're coming through it now. Mostly we're just feeling sorry for ourselves. Freja has been okay ever since the first day we both took ill and has made it somewhat difficult, but not impossible. The above image is a few weeks old and shows Freja on the beach to the north of Aarhus. It was taken by her maternal grandmother.

There is good news too. Mette may have landed a job as a designer for a childrens clothing company now! Its still only a part time thing as its a new company, but if it goes well then it may lead to a full time job. Naturally she is overjoyed. I've asked her if it makes a difference that its kids clothing but she is unconcerned and tells me that kids clothing is just as fun, if not more so than adult clothing. She's also done some designs for a company which runs elephant polo in Nepal (how weird is that for an unemployed Danish designer?) and we're still waiting to hear how that goes. They're not the easiest people to deal with (geographically speaking).

As for me, I've been puttering about, sleeping off the illness and painting some figures for my planned Takshendal game (I'll post details later). Unfortunately, I came down just at the point where I was due to go to an interview with a job seeking expert. I don't know what these people are called in English, but they help people like me find work. I'm hoping to find a job too since Mette can hardly be expected to support us all, but my health is such that I am at a loss as to how to go about it. My next appointment is not for another two and half weeks.



Anonymous said...

I don't know what these people are called in English, but they help people like me find work.

Staffing services. I've gotten a few temp jobs through Adecco and Kelly Services. They help you find work until you find something permanent, something you like. The employer gets a "test run" out of it.

I hope you get over the cold soon. We're just getting over ours now. It was a seasonal change bug, I think. So much snot...

marinergrim said...

Get well soon Moif.

Well done to Mette for her job.