Friday, August 17, 2007

Quartermass and the pit

Dir: Roy Ward Barker. 1967.

The story is simple enough. 5,000,000 years ago Martians came to Earth to colonise it, and apparently succeeded by geneering apes into humans. One ship crashed however, and is subsequently discovered under London in 1967 during an extension of Hobbs Lane undergroud station. The hero's figure out whats going on whilst (as usual) the politicians and military wallow in denial and try to shut down the intrepid Professor Quartermass and his friends. The film starts off slowly, builds up in pitch until finally erupting into a typical Hammer House ending.

What a great film! It feels a bit like 'The X files' but has the old school Brit sci fi ambience (I was half expecting a Dalek to appear at any moment) and still manages to hold its own against modern sci fi movies. So much so in fact that it seems a certain sombody was taking notes... a martian vehicle of some kind, long buried underground, comes to life and creates mayhem... hmmm where did I see that recently?

In many ways, this film seems to be a reworking of 'The War of the Worlds', taking the time scale between Mars' today and Mars as it may once have been into account. Instead of an armed invasion failing against the humans, Nigel Kneale (who wrote the original scripts) has the Martian invasion creating huimanity as we know it today. Its not HG Wells, but its not far off (the influence of the war of the worlds is even refered to with three legged Martians) and it knocks 'X files - the movie' into a cocked hat.

Great fun for all the family!


Anonymous said...

Hey, that's one of my favourites.
We are the aliens.

Btw, I saw the Cthulhu movie last night, and it is really excellent.
... and the Hines WotW really is as bad as you can imagine.


Unknown said...

Hi Moif. There you are! I was looking for you the other day, and then I realized you were already deep down in my bookmarks. Are you on facebook?

- Andreas the Brekke

moif said...

No. What is facebook?

moif said...

Does the Brekke have Skype?

Unknown said...

Hello. The Brekke does not have skype, msn or binary telepathic skills. He does however check his email 500 times a day:

Also he has a pet project hed like to show you:

Your blog is very impressive by the way. I love to see the stuff you make.

- Andreas