Thursday, July 26, 2007


A whole week went by and I didn't write anything on my blog! ...mostly this is because I started a whole new blog at a 'secret location'. The purpose of this new blog is not to replace this one, but rather to focus various idea's and inspirations I've had for a skirmish role playing game, which, with some luck I may get around to running with my friends before I croak. This game will require a lot of models of buildings so I've resumed various old projects which never got finished as well as starting on a brand new model; The Cthulhu House! I'll post images as I progress, but right now, only the frame of the ground and first floors exist.

I've also got to get back to building on my model inn. This is the biggest of all my building projects and has stood idle on my shelf for 18 months. EVE has a lot to answer for.

In the mean time, the summer weather is all over the place with torrential down pours one day followed by blistering sunlight and sweltering humidty the next. Each day has alternated between opposing extremes until it feels like time has been speeded up and a year is passing every 48 hours.

My health has cracked again and my insides started bleeding about three or four weeks ago, around the time my Mother was diagnosed with cancer. All my other traditional ailments have also resurfaced too so I'm a barrell of laughs these days. The summer means my friends are all off 'being vikings', so I don't even have the distraction of our Thursday gaming sessions. (It sounds more serious to say 'gaming' as opposed to 'playing games')

Freja will be two years old in just a few weeks time...



marinergrim said...

Well there was good & bad mixed in that post Moif.

Hope you get well soon. is it a coincidence that you got sick after hearing about your mother? If so that does suggest that some of your problems might be pyschosommatic. have you tried alternative medicies like the Chinese - they have some very good practices and can get unexpected, but welcome, results.

Good news aboyut your buildings though. will that house have removable modules to allow players to play on different levels? I've always liked Lovecraft (and Smith, Poe & Howard for that matter).

moif said...

Its totally psychosomatic. Stress related. I don't know why I became so suceptable to stress in the last fifteen or so years but I did.

All my buildings are comprised of modules. The 'Cthulhu House' will have three levels.

mlj said...

hey moif, nice to hear from you - was getting all worried :.)

we've taken our stormfloods here too! saying that it has "rained" is an understatement! but things are brightening up, and today i even caught a ray of sun on my pasty white face!

i'm sorry to hear that you're feeling worse. wish there was something i could do.. here's a virtual hug for you!

moif said...

I can't imagine you being 'pasty' white' LOL

brando said...

Is your inn the Shadow Over Insmouth one? Like with all the frog dudes?

moif said... could be....


mlj said...

heh, well, i guess it may all be in the eye of the beholder :.) however the lack of sun is appalling!