Wednesday, June 20, 2007

moif: ramble on

The 'heat rash' seems to have died away now. I'm still getting sudden intense itches that I dare not scratch (they get ten times worse if I do). I'm fairly convinced its hives and not shingles, mostly because the rash caused by shingles is supposed to go crusty and bleed, which mine didn't. Looking back on the whole experience I can conclude that had it not been for the burning hands then I would probably have already forgotten it. The fear of my hands being affected in such a manner for any length of time however, one hears stories of people with chronic allergies, is enough to raise my internal panic to a fevered pitch. So much pain from so little cause defies the mind of its reasoning. It reminds me of a passage in HG Wells 'The War of the Worlds' when the Journalist describes what happens to civilised people deprived of food for several days. Another 24 hours of that pain and I would have been going out of my mind. As it was, the night I went to the night doctor it was all I could do to maintain a polite manner. Cycling through the city I felt every jolt and bump of the road through my handlebars as if I were being tortured.

Now this horror appears to have passed, I've been taking it easy again. I'm back to my normal medical regime taking seven doses of four different medicines per day, but I've still got the fexofenadin hydrochlorid in reserve in case the itching rash returns.

In the meanwhile I've been listening to some good music, painting wargaming miniatures and playing EVE. EVE just updated itself however and I already don't like the updates. I really don't like updates! Never mind, no doubt I'll get used to them. I guess.

I've been saying that a lot of late. I guess. Its a way of saying 'I suppose so. I don't know. Maybe. Yes. Your probably right. what do I know?' I guess so. I guess that this is the way the world is and letting go seems to be the only method of attaining happiness. in this life. You have to let go otherwise your doomed to cling on until your strength fails you. Accept the inevitable so to speak. It sounds Budhistic and I'm an agnostic, but even the teachings of Christ appear to make sense. Religion would be a good idea if there weren't so many wankers running around thinking they had to tell every one else how to live their lives.


Anonymous said...

Your last sentence is so spot on it's frightening. ::thumbsup::

Cyan said...

Indeed. It is spot on.