Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Hvad hedder træ bejdser på engelsk?


mlj said...

træbejdse (Dansk-Engelsk)
wood stain; wood mordant

ordbogen.com is the best translater there is.. you get 2 free words a day :.) or pay 50kr for a year

mlj said...

actually.. they've gone up since I last bought access.. 99 kr a year..

moif said...

Bejdse means stain?

mlj said...

i guess.. :.)

moif said...


Anonymous said...

Bejdse means mordant if applied to fabric (chemical treatment to make dye bind to fibres, or modify the dye / fibre thereby modifying the colour).
It means stain if applied to wood. It might include bleach as well.
Once again, Danish doesn't quite have enough words.