There wasn't much to see, though Freja, leaning out of her comfy wagon made sure she saw it all! Eventually we wound up at Kostertorv (monastry plaza) and here we stopped for some (very rich) chocolate and brownies. The Snoos was not interested in hnaging outide a café though. Such inane inactivity is for the future. Childhood is short and maturity lasts forever, so she made her way into the cobbled centre of the plaza where she could dance, hop and run about. I went with her since I don't get to go out much with her in public and I was both cautious about her getting hurt (there is a major bus road at one end of the plaza) and eager to demonstrate to the various onlookers how cool I was since I had a daughter. Ha!
The Snoos's voice echoed from the buildings as she laughed and it gave a small tug at my heart. This old old plaza must have rung with countless childrens voices, but in todays climate of self regard, there was no one there to play with at all. Of the 200 or so people moving about the plaza for the 45 minutes or so we sat there, Freja was the only child.
Freja quickly discovered the solitary tree which stands at one end of the plaza (right next to the buses) and soon we were chasing each other around it and playing peek-a-boo (with my heart on edge every time she was behind the tree and closer to the road than I was). Mormor (perhaps Freja's favourite person outside of our inner most family) came over to play after I had to take a break (I was knackered from stooping over and rusing about like a ten year old. I lasted about ten minutes the first time and maybe eight after I'd caught a breather) Freja never slowed down at all. Its hard being an old primate!
Mette and her Dad were wiser. They just sat and yapped the whole time (which is after all what cafés are for I guess).
One thing I noticed was Mormor was just as quick to react as I was when ever Freja strayed too close to the road. I don't trust many people, but I trust Mormor! I have the best mom in law ever!
Where do kids get all their energy from? It never ceases to amaze me how they can run and run and run and not get tired. Then they stop and just fall asleep in the pushchair or car or on your shoulders.
Make the most of moif because they grow up all too fast.
She's already so big!
Mette and I both feel the urge to create a sibling, but our economy requires attention some first. I'm hoping in the next year though...
Those 180 degree pics are cool.
And you guys are still wearing hats and jackets... ouch.
Sunday was a bit cool. It was warmer today. I cycled out to Moesgaard and had only a T shirt on (above the belt line)
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