Monday, April 02, 2007

Artist of the Month: Gilles Tran

I only just discoverd Gilles Tran the other day and I don't know much about him except he's been making digital art since the the early 1990's and he's half French half Vietnamese. His images seem fairly mundane at first glance, but there is often an element of the unusual in them. In one excellent image, the viewer is met with an abundance of colour and detail looking upon a host of flowers surrounding a pond. A tree dominates the scene but look closer at the tree's reflection and there is a nightmare quality that jars with the summery flowers and changes the emphasis of the whole image. Its not the best art I've ever seen, but its good enough to inspire me.
For some reason his web gallery only reaches 2004, so I have no idea what he's been doing of late.


Cyan said...

I'm going to have to spend some time perusing his site later this evening. I really like what you've posted on your blog.

At first glance, I only noticed the steampunk-esque foreground. It took me a moment of viewing, with detail in mind, before I noticed the domestic scene in the background. Very interesting, indeed.

moif said...

There is a lot of dross on his site too. Commercial stuff and various experimental pieces. Its fascinating to see how he's progressed with time though.