”Do you want to watch Wallace & Gromit?” I asked. She nodded her head emphatically, her face as solemn as a judges.
”You don’t want to watch Pingu?”. She shook her head and made an impatient grunting noise. The TV stands on a small wheeled table which can be moved to allow the screen to point into my room or the living room and she then grabbed this and tried to move it. She is pretty strong so it began to move but the wheels were caught on a able and given the oscilations she was causing I feared it was going to topple and break the screen.
”Don’t fiddle” I told her in Danish. I always say this when she is touching something she ought not to (usually my stuff) and frowning at me she stood with her hands on the TV. I repeated the order because she was till holding onto the TV and she threw herself to the floor and tried to cry. This is a common trick she has picked up from day care, but I ignore her for she is not a good actor and its not hard to see when she’s faking it
”You can go to bed if you keep that up” I told her and she immedietely stopped.
I nodded. ”Good”. I put ’Wallace & Gromit’ on and she brighten up considerably. She settled on the floor to watch it. About ten minutes later I lay down beside her and watched her face. She noticed this after a while and gave me a big smile then laid herself along side me to snuggle. I felt like the luckiest man alive.
Above is a picture of Freja immitating the Were Rabbit from another day...
Kids will play to their strengths - or your weaknesses. They respect discipline and like routine. They also appreciate, in their own way, the love and support they get.
something you seem to have in abundance.
pingu was a favorite of my own children, but he is more baby-ish.
moif what do you speak with Freja? Only Danish or both English and Danish?
Danish for the most part since she is Danish, though the odd English word creeps in here and there. Mette and I speak English to each other most of the time though not always. My Danish is accented and I stumble over certain words and phrases.
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