Monday, January 22, 2007

Weiter, weiter ins Verderben...

Hörst du denn den Donner nicht?

We never made it to my parents place on Sunday after all. Instead they came in here and we 'hung out' for a while. My Dad and I got into a 'debate' about the end of the world. The sort of male barking thats typical in my family where the underlying message is really about love and happiness but there is no way to say this except by telling each other how wrong you are and how you just don't get it.

Heh heh heh.

Afterwards Mette told me that we were tiresome to listen to, but I just laughed. Things are very different in her family and they never 'bark' like we do. When my parents had gone I was so happy because I knew that my Dad loves me. I laughed till I cried when I thought back at all the times he's made me and my brothers laugh. He's so old and stuck in the 1950's it cracks me up. My brothers will know what I mean, when I write 'Bare læs det ud!"

What a life! So, anyway, the argument about which our posturing revolved centred around something which my parents had seen on TV about Yellowstone park being about to erupt and blow the whole world to kingdom come. I did some research on Wikipedia and am informed my parents predictions about the end of the world being nigh are based more on sensationalism than on science. Or maybe the Wikipedia is wrong and we're all going to die soon... ? As my Dad points out with his typical stoic belligerence, we're all going to die any way so what difference does it make?

We also got into a 'fight' over which state Yellowstone was in. My Dad, fresh from having seen his TV doc claimed it was California, but having read National Geographic, I knew it was in Washington state.

Turns out its in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho... Ah well. Can't win 'em all.


marinergrim said...

The yellowstone park scenario is based on the "super volcano" theory that has the entire area going bang at the same time due to geological pressure and activity. it works and statisically speaking is overdue. But there again so is the meteor impact theory, and the underwater vocanic activity theory, the San Andreas fault is overdue for a major quake too. I do like the Yellowstone park theorum but as with anything you have "Lies, damned lies and statisitics" - and all these theories are statisically based so......

moif said...

Yeah, I'm more worried about the declining European fertility rate.