Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Freja throws a wobbler...

One of the things we can never agree on is, what colour eyes does the Snoos have? Most people say brown, but they usually look blue to me. A close up reveals the truth! They're Snoos coloured!

These are for Philip who likes the 'art image'. As you can see in the first my hair is growing out again and is now in dire need of being cut back again. I haven't had curls since I was twenty one. The other day my Mother in law called me curly top and I chuckled. Once uponn a time I would have been mortified. Today I don't give a fig for what people think I look like. I've finally been liberated from that that primate fear of being judged ugly. I am ugly and I love it!


Cyan said...

Looks like she has some blue and brown. :)

I understand how that goes. My eyes are grayish, bluish, green. When people ask my eye color, I tend to say ambiguous...

marinergrim said...

And all the time that she's throwing this paddy fit you're taking photographs and getting her even more wound up! Just like any good parent should!

moif said...

But of course MM.

We have very few images of Freja in a bad mood you see, and in order to keep a true account of her early years its essential to take photo's of her when she's angry as well.

Whether or not this action provokes her to further anger is uncertain. I don't really think she really needs much provocation.

Anonymous said...

I can just see it:
Poor Freja is upset about something, and taking it out on the world in general, and her parents in particular.
Jan produces a camera.
Freja may calm down, or she may resent 1 parent moving away.
Taking a picture of a moving child during the daaaark Danish winter needs a flash.
Poor Freja is stunned (which may be an improvement).
The preview doesn't look good; quick, upset her again.

Strangely, her eye looks brownish on my super-graphic-whizzo-colour-balanced screen, but blueish in person under artificial lighting.

moif said...

She's probably an Elf in disguise....