Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Christmas decorations

Spent most of today (actually yesterday since its 4am here) in a childhood bubble making paper cut out christmas decorations in preperation for when we have the family's over. So far I've made Santa in his sleigh (still missing the reindeer), a christmas tree, an angel/fairy, three nisser and a dog.

For those of you who do not know what nisser are, let me explain. In Denmark, we have discoverd that Julemanden (Father Christmas) is not the only person to bring joy and happiness at Jul. As it happens there are many small people, called Nisser, who sleep all summer (or go on holiday to other countries) in the attic, or other forgotten places. No one knows how big they are, some people say they are about the size of your thumb, but others say Father Christmas is himself a Nisse, but one thing is for sure. These little sprites come out at Christmas to ensure a good time is had by all. Most are cheerful and ready for a laugh (they are terrible tricksters) but some are more reserved, and even grumpy. They have few inhibitions and eat, drink and tumble about with gusto and their favourite meal is said to be risengrød (rice pudding) with a fat dollop of butter on top.

Essentially they are elves... or maybe gnomes.... or possibly pixies... or something else entirely. They seem to stem from Danish folk lore and have a strong flavour of the old agricultural Denmark about them (they still wear wooden clogs and very old fashioned clothing)

Of course most adults and teenagers don't believe in them, which is why they fail so often I guess. Kids know better so naturally they have a nicer time at Christmas.

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