Saturday, September 16, 2006

more bad news... Århus. On Friday the city council, headed by the evil Radicals (Cough, spit!) passed a decision to shut down Århus Culture House. The reason being, the eternal cut backs which have stalked the nation in recent years due to the governments economic plans.

Aside from the drab political aspect of this there is the local, social and artistic aspects. Huset was and is the best artistic resource for the citizens of the city. It has a range of workshops, metal, printing, wood working, computer, photographic and pottery, and is the host to hundreds of arrangements every year. I used to go there regularly to practice life drawing. Huset is so integral a part of my understanding of Århus and why its such a great place to live that I can't even begin to comprehend how any one could even want to close it down, let alone actually do so.
Too save money?! We pay Syria 100 million a year to 'promote democray' as if we were made of money and at the same time we're having to shut down our cultural and child care infrastructure.

There is a demonstration planned for Wednesday and for the first time in my life I think I may actually put aside my dislike of large social gatherings and take part.


Anonymous said...

This is sad news, indeed. I hope that the demonstration will be fruitful. Communities with resources like the one that you describe are always better off than those without them. I will never understand why the arts and culture are the first things to lose their funding.

moif said...

The response to the news has been swif and wide spread. We're received numerous text messages and e-mails calling us out into the street. I've never seen such a public out cry before. Not on any issue. I don't think the politicians appreciate just how popular huset is witht he citizenry of Århus.