Sunday, August 20, 2006


We're gradually gearing up for our holiday in the sun now... and the weather forecast shows rain for the next five days. I don't actually mind, though Mette is convinced that I am opposed to the whole vacation on the grounds that I wasn't consulted as to whether or not I wanted to spend two weeks in a summer house on the west coast of Jutland, and true enough I would have liked to have had some say in the matter, but the thing is I don't actually mind rainy holidays. I am just as happy swimming in the rain as I am otherwise... more so in fact since I am grown fat and pale and shy and rainy beaches seldom have many muscular onlookers to throw me into a poor light.

The only real problem I find is in other people's company. If truth be told, I am not a social person and I only really enjoy myself when I am either alone, or with people I have something fundamentally in common with... science fiction films, or role playing... escapist stuff like that. I like my in-laws a lot though and I've been on holiday with them several times... and its rained on almost every occaision! I've sat in summer houses with Mette's family and sat on the shores of mountain lakes in Italy and its rained and rained and rained. It rained on Mette's thirtieth birthday as well as Freja's first. Rain is a constant feature of Northern Europe, but it seems to follow us with dogged persistance. Maybe we're like the bloke Douglas Adams described who drove around and never knew he was a rain god...?

So, any way, I'm rambling. Its 00:52 and I'm listening to Harold Budd Mette has just gone to bed, disatisfied with herself and her lack of productivity, and I suspect with me for my lack of enthusiasm and encouragement in the face of the daunting weather. We just watched a truly appalling film called 'Crush' and it did nothing to lighten the mood. C'est la vie.

Freja gave us a terrible shock today. She fell flat on her face and started bleeding all over the place. At first I thought she'd bitten the tip of her tongue and I was afraid it would hurt for ages, but she soon stopped crying and we found that it was her upper teeth that had taken the bash. For most of the day the gum around them looked bruised but it gradually died away again. She seems to be a perfect model of health. The exact opposite of her father, thankfully. Here she is, from yesterday, wearing her new leopard skin shoes...

Pipski faldt på gulvet i dag og fik slået sine fortænder så blodet fosset ud over det hele. Mette fik sig en ordentligt shock og Freja var nær hysterisk i nogle få minutter, men så faldt hun hurtigt til ro igen. Jeg frygtede at hun havde bidt sine tunge så jeg var faktisk lidt lettet da vi så at det var hendes tænder. De kan trods alt repareres, men hvis hun havde bidt ended af sine tunge... puha!

Billedet er fra i går da Snus'en gik rundt i hendes ny sko.


Cyan said...

Ouch! The poor girl.

I think that one of the more difficult things about parenting would be resisting the urge to dress your children in plates of armor, but the leopard print shoes are much cuter. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ouch is right! You'll be surprised just how malleable children's bones are, and how quickly they bounce back from frights like that. It scares the pants off parents more, believe me. When my daughter was a bit younger than Freja, she tipped over in her walker not once, but twice! and smacked her face straight into the floor. I felt like such a terrible mother, and could have sworn she'd broken all the bones in her face ... but she was absolutely fine apart from a small cut on her lip. I threw that damn walker away very soon after.

Anonymous said...

2 things:

Children fall, they get hurt, some even break things. Almost all recover completely; it is just part of learning.

Baby teeth are expendable, but (later - I *think* 1 year is too young) they can get smashed into the adult teeth underneath. It's one of those injuries that are worth logging for future dental insurance reasons.

Oh, and have a good holiday.
I like rain... well I like spectacular thunderstorms and gales, except of course when I've got several hundred kilos of hand sewn canvas to stress about.

moif said...

Freja is as right as rain today and has been playing 'ship' with the box our new scanner/printer came in.


I've been playng with the printer which I've long been awaiting!

moif said...

And speaking of thunder storms we just had a tremendously loud one pass right over Århus. The rain turned Ny Munkegade into a cascading torrent. Half an hour and it was all over.

It reminded me of the day Peter and I drove into Maidstone to pick up my portfolio from KIAD. It was the last time I was at the school and the weather was near apocolyptic. Peter had a hired van and we drove from the school back into Maidstone along a road that was a veritable river. It got so bad that I seem to remember we had to stop and wait at one point.

Anonymous said...

Oh! Poor Freja. Glad she healed up nicely.

We've had issue with David's front teeth after falls on ceramic tile at the mall, but though they got a bit loose, he still has them.

It's scary when they get hurt, isn't it.

moif said...

Well Mette certainly was scared. I was a bit more philosphical since A. I expect her to get hurt
B. I was awoken from sleep by the fuss
